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10 Ways To Boost Your Immune System

10 Ways To Boost Your Immune Systems


Many people don’t realize how important a healthy immune system is and how it  can affect our everyday life. The immune systems helps to the body to defend  against bacteria that may cause infection, viruses, diseases and then some. When  your immune system is low and/or not functioning properly you can be more  susceptible to these common everyday problems. Also if your immune system is low  you may feel low on energy, irritable, and sluggish. On the other hand when your  immune system is functioning properly you may have energy, be in a better mood,  and have better focus. Down below are 10 ways that can help to boost your immune  system.

Exercise- try to exercise on a regular basis this will help to boost  circulation and boost your immune system. This will also help you to get better  in shape.

Drink plenty of water- this tip is very important are body needs the proper  amount of water to be able to function properly. Water also flushes toxins and  impurities that are in our body.

Proper rest- 8 hours of sleep is a good amount of time to sleep. Try your  best to get your proper rest. Are body needs to rest in order to re-cooperate  for the next day. When you do not get the proper rest that can have a great  effect on your immune system.

Eating right- eating the right foods can provide great benefits to your  immune system. Try to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet.  Especially vitamin c this is very good for your health. Try you best to stay  away from unhealthy foods that contain a lot of grease, fat, preservatives and  toxins. These food can have a very negative effect on your overall health.

Clean hands- washing your hand more frequently can help to cut down to  bacteria and germs. You should especially make sure your hands are clan before  you eat or are touching anything that may be entering your body. If possible try  to keep hand sanitizer on hand the are many germs an surfaces everywhere in are  everyday life.

Stress- stress will have a great effect on your health. Try so stay stress  free the best that you can. Try to stay out of stressful situations or try out  different stress relievers like taking a walk, listening to music, laughing  and/or taking up a hobby.

Watch toxins- toxins such as smoking cigarettes and/or drug abuse is very  harmful to your body as well as your overall health. Try to stay away from these  or environments that may contain these toxins. Even second hand smoke can have a  effect on the well being of your body.

Harsh weather- if you do have to deal with the harsh elements take the proper  precautions. If you are dealing with extreme weather like during the cold months  in the winter bundle up and be sure that your are properly covered and warm.  Also especially sure that your chest is properly covered if not that is the best  way to catch a cold. If you are dealing with the harsh heat in the summer be  sure to stay hydrated and that you have plenty fluids in your body to help to  eliminate the risk of dehydration.

Changing your clothes- try to change into your house wear when you arrive  home if you have no place else to go. Your clothes have been exposed to the  outside environment that may carry germs and bacteria. If you have had a long  day and are tired and do not have the energy at that moment to change your  clothes try laying on the couch for a second instead of your bed.

Clean house- try keeping your house as clean as possible. Try cleaning and  dusting on a regular. If dust is accumulating in your house you are breathing  that in which can effect your health and immune system.

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10 Ways To Boost Your Immune System

10 Ways To Boost Your Immune Systems


Many people don’t realize how important a healthy immune system is and how it  can affect our everyday life. The immune systems helps to the body to defend  against bacteria that may cause infection, viruses, diseases and then some. When  your immune system is low and/or not functioning properly you can be more  susceptible to these common everyday problems. Also if your immune system is low  you may feel low on energy, irritable, and sluggish. On the other hand when your  immune system is functioning properly you may have energy, be in a better mood,  and have better focus. Down below are 10 ways that can help to boost your immune  system.

Exercise- try to exercise on a regular basis this will help to boost  circulation and boost your immune system. This will also help you to get better  in shape.

Drink plenty of water- this tip is very important are body needs the proper  amount of water to be able to function properly. Water also flushes toxins and  impurities that are in our body.

Proper rest- 8 hours of sleep is a good amount of time to sleep. Try your  best to get your proper rest. Are body needs to rest in order to re-cooperate  for the next day. When you do not get the proper rest that can have a great  effect on your immune system.

Eating right- eating the right foods can provide great benefits to your  immune system. Try to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet.  Especially vitamin c this is very good for your health. Try you best to stay  away from unhealthy foods that contain a lot of grease, fat, preservatives and  toxins. These food can have a very negative effect on your overall health.

Clean hands- washing your hand more frequently can help to cut down to  bacteria and germs. You should especially make sure your hands are clan before  you eat or are touching anything that may be entering your body. If possible try  to keep hand sanitizer on hand the are many germs an surfaces everywhere in are  everyday life.

Stress- stress will have a great effect on your health. Try so stay stress  free the best that you can. Try to stay out of stressful situations or try out  different stress relievers like taking a walk, listening to music, laughing  and/or taking up a hobby.

Watch toxins- toxins such as smoking cigarettes and/or drug abuse is very  harmful to your body as well as your overall health. Try to stay away from these  or environments that may contain these toxins. Even second hand smoke can have a  effect on the well being of your body.

Harsh weather- if you do have to deal with the harsh elements take the proper  precautions. If you are dealing with extreme weather like during the cold months  in the winter bundle up and be sure that your are properly covered and warm.  Also especially sure that your chest is properly covered if not that is the best  way to catch a cold. If you are dealing with the harsh heat in the summer be  sure to stay hydrated and that you have plenty fluids in your body to help to  eliminate the risk of dehydration.

Changing your clothes- try to change into your house wear when you arrive  home if you have no place else to go. Your clothes have been exposed to the  outside environment that may carry germs and bacteria. If you have had a long  day and are tired and do not have the energy at that moment to change your  clothes try laying on the couch for a second instead of your bed.

Clean house- try keeping your house as clean as possible. Try cleaning and  dusting on a regular. If dust is accumulating in your house you are breathing  that in which can effect your health and immune system.

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Winter Dry Skin?

Winter Dry Skin?


Treating and/or preventing your skin from being dry in the winter can be a  huge struggle. Dealing with the dryness, flaking, itching, dullness,  embarrassment and discomfort can be very frustrating as well as aggravating.  There are three main things you need to focus on when dealing with winter dry  skin. These three main things are hydration, exfoliating, and moisturizing.  These play a big part in how your skin looks as well as feels this winter.

First up is hydration when dealing with the winter, fall, spring or the  summer this is very important. If you are not properly hydrated it will have a  very huge impact on the appearance of your skin. Without the proper hydration  your skin will become even more prone to becoming dry. Be sure to drink plenty  of water at the same time try to ease up on the alcohol, smoking and coffee  these can be extremely dehydrating causing your skin to dry out even more  easily. It is best not to take part in any of these things if you are trying to  avoid dry skin but if you still choose to try your best to let up the these  three things.

Next up is exfoliating this can help to remove dead skin cells and to keep  your skin smooth. Investing in a good loofa and body scrub can work very well  together when exfoliating. The combination of these two things on a regular  basis can provide nice results. Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid very  long hot showers during the colder months this can actually result in the drying  of the skin. Instead of very hot and long showers try shorter and warm showers.  Exfoliating alone can make a world of difference to your skin and if you are  finding yourself always suffering with flaking and dullness this can be a huge  help.

Everyone knows moisturizing your skin can be one of the best things that you  can do for your skin. It is best to make this a everyday routine this can help  with hydrating your skin as well as helping it to be much smoother. Also  remember in order for your moisturizer to reach its full potential it is best to  make sure that you do not allow dead skin cells to build up which is another  area where exfoliating plays a role. Also try to avoid products that contain  petroleum jelly but oils like jojoba oil, coconut oil and olive oil are all good  for your skin. It is also very good to make sure your skin is well moisturized  before exposing it to the cold elements.

Hopefully this article has helped you to better understand how to treat and  care for your skin during the colder months. Remember you can have beautiful  skin all the time no matter what the weather may be. So be sure to be well  hydrated, moisturized and be sure to exfoliate. Suffer no longer and have the  smooth and soft skin that you want just follow these steps and you will see huge  improvement in your skin.

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Get The Skin You Always Wanted

Get The Skin You Always Wanted


How To Achieve Beautiful Skin

Everyone wants healthy beautiful glowing skin. There are many different  reasons as to why are skin doesn’t look as good as it could. Some of us don’t  even know what the root problem is or what we could be doing that is causing are  skin to not be as good as it could. But there are three main factors that play a  role in how good are skin looks. Those three factors are diet, skincare routines  and environment.

One of the most important things, your diet this play a huge role on what  your skin looks like as well as your overall appearance. It is important to eat  well balanced meals and to drink plenty of water. Sitting around and eating  nothing but unhealthy food is destroying your body. It is even worse if you are  not drinking water. Water is what helps flush the impurities out of your body.  Drinking a bunch of sodas and sugar filled drinks does nothing but causes  breakouts as well as weight gain. The same applies with greasy and salty foods.  Unhealthy eating habits can also speed up the aging process of your skin causing  wrinkles and very unhealthy looking skin tone as well as texture, paleness and  dark circles. Just switching to a healthier diet can make a dramatic change in  the appearance of your skin. There are plenty of foods that are good for skin  and target certain areas like the nine ones listed below.

Pomegranates: Regulate skins blood flow

Chocolate: reduces puffiness and promotes glowing skin

Walnuts: soften skin

Peppers: helps to prevent crow’s feet

Sunflower seeds: brighten skin

Kidney Beans: fights zits

Soy: evens skin tone

Oatmeal: helps to retain youth

Green tea: calms redness

The next factor is your skincare routine. Exfoliating and moisturizing both  play parts in the appearance of your skin. Not properly moisturizing and  exfoliating can leave your skin to look dry, dull, scaly and uneven. Exfoliating  helps to remove the dead skin that can cause your skin to look scaly and uneven  and help to reveal smoother, brighter and healthier looking skin. Loofah’s and  body scrubs are good for exfoliating the skin. Next is moisturizing using a good  moisturizer and moisturizing on a regular daily bases can help to prevent dry,  cracked and unhealthy looking skin. Also taking long warm baths can help soften  skin. Also when soaking in a warm bath and the skin softening this can help to  remove the dead skin much better. For an even better experience and results you  can try using bath oil as well as Dead Sea salt.

Last but not least is your environment. This factor can be very crucial to  your skin. The main things are free radicals and extreme sun exposure. Free  radicals can drastically destroy skin smoking is one of the most damaging things  to your skin it breaks down the skins collagen and dramatically speeds up the  aging process but if you are not a smoker keep in mind that the smoke it  produces can be jus as bad. Sun damage is also another factor that speeds up the  aging process. Sun damage does not only speed up the aging process but can also  cause dryness, discoloration and weaken the skin which can make it prone to  being more easily bruised. The sun can be good for you but too much can overtime  destroy skin.

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Need Help With Anxiety?


Need Help With Anxiety?


Dealing With Anxiety

Dealing with anxiety can be a very difficult thing to deal with especially on  a day to day basis and can affect us in many different ways as well as the  people around us. Dealing with anxiety can cause us to constantly worry and to  be in a state of fear. It can sometimes be difficult to live a normal life when  dealing with this disorder. Many people suffer from anxiety have no idea. Some  of the general symptoms of anxiety are listed below.

General symptoms

Obsessive thoughts

feeling worry, fear, uneasiness and panic

Ritualistic behaviors


nightmares and/or flash backs of traumatic experiences

being unable to stay calm or still


tense body

hands and/or feet feel cold or sweaty

Problems breathing

These are just a of the symptoms that are commonly associated with anxiety.  These symptoms can be constant or triggered. Many people who suffer from this  disorder have no idea how to approach it or where even to begin. Before you  begin trying to treat this problem you must try to figure out where it is  stemming from and/or what may be causing it. So down below I have listed the  different forms of anxiety.

Forms of anxiety

Social anxiety disorder A.K.A social phobia  With this disorder a person  will often feel self-consciousness and very worried about day to day social  situations. They are often concerned or fear about how others view or think  about them and often fear and worry about being judged or appearing out of the  norm that may lead to ridicule and/or embarrassment.

OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) This disorder causes people to take  on ritualistic or very routine habits due to regular thoughts and/or fears which  are referred to as obsessions.

PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) Most people who suffer from this  are emotionally numb and have reoccurring thoughts and memories of a  traumatizing events. This disorder is developed from a traumatizing experience  such as physical, mental and/or sexual abuse as well as natural disaster and  sudden death of a loved one.

Panic disorder When dealing with this disorder people often have random  feelings of fear and terror and sometimes lead to panic attacks. Symptoms of a  panic attack often include irregular heartbeats, sweating chest pain, and  sweating.

Specific phobias  Phobias such as spiders, heights, death, and failure  can often result in anxiety when faced with any situations dealing with a  specific phobia.


There are many different ways to approach this disorder it all depends on  what may make you more comfortable. Down below are a few ways that may be able  to help.

Meditation  This technique can help you to relax and release tension.  Relaxation is one of the key things you need to focus on when addressing this  problem. There are many different ways that you may meditate to relax. The best  thing to do is to try a few different techniques out and to see which one works  best for you.

Root Problem Try to find the root problem as to why you are suffering  from anxiety. Is it from a traumatic experience, specific situations and/or  phobias. Like I said before once you get to the root problem of this disorder it  will become a lot easier on how to address it.

Talking to your doctor This may be able to help if you go to your doctor  he/she may be able to give you some more information about your specific  disorder. Your doctor may be able to prescribe you a medication that could help  you to better deal with this problem.

Natural remedies If you are not to big on taking medication and nothing  is really helping or working for you this might be an better alternative.  Aromatherapy, chamomile tea, passion flower (herb), and kava (herb) are a few  things you may want to look into if you would prefer taking a more natural  approach to this problem.

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How To Stop Concealer From Creasing

How To Wear Dark Lipstick

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Useful Tips For Uneven Eyes

Matching Your Makeup To The Season

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